Geometric Power Aba, under the leadership of its Chairman, Prof. Bart Nnaji, is at the brink of achieving a momentous milestone with the upcoming inauguration of its power plant on Monday, 26th February, 2024. The pre-commissioning press conference held on Friday, 23rd February, 2024, shed light on the remarkable journey of the project and the positive impact it aims to bring to the city of Aba.
The Chairman, Prof. Bart Nnaji, shared the challenges faced during the project’s development and highlighted the significance of the power plant in addressing the energy needs of Aba. With the capacity to generate 188MW, the first turbine of 47MW will mark the beginning of the project’s implementation, followed by subsequent phases to meet the city’s full power requirements.
The commitment to providing 24/7 power supply to the 9 local government areas under the Aba ring-fence area showcases Geometric Power’s dedication to enhancing the quality of life in the region. The Chairman reassured that the company is equipped to deliver on its promise, being the only Nigerian company generating and distributing its own power.
In response to concerns about outdated equipment, Prof. Nnaji emphasized the construction of new substations for the project, ensuring that distribution equipment will not impede the provision of reliable power. Additionally, he addressed the issue of charges, affirming that the company operates within regulated prices set by NERC, guaranteeing fair rates for consumers.
The issue of metering was also addressed, with plans in place to ensure every electricity consumer in Aba is equipped with meters. This commitment reflects Geometric Power’s determination to enhance transparency and accountability in its services.
Furthermore, the Commissioner for Power and Public Utilities, Engr. Ikechukwu Monday, highlighted the efforts of the Abia State Government in creating an enabling environment for businesses like Geometric to thrive. Governor Otti’s support for the project reflects the government’s recognition of the vital role of power in driving economic development and job creation in the state.
As the stage is set for the inauguration, the anticipation for the transformation of Aba into a city illuminated by reliable power is palpable. President Bola Tinubu’s presence at the event signifies the significance of this moment for the city and the nation as a whole. With the inauguration looming, the prospects of a brighter future for Aba and its residents are within grasp, ushering in a new era of progress and prosperity for the ancient Enyimba city.
Nna Henry Ngenyechike.