Recently, there has been a surge in money ritual killings perpetrated by young men in order to get rich quickly and to show off their wealth. This trend has seen the concept trend on social media
While many have tried to find the cause of this “madness,” the cause lingers. Society has in one way or the other increased this urge to get rich quickly. Back in the day, many people frowned at fraud and ritualists but now, society praises people with ill-gotten wealth and integrates them into their fold
Society finds a way to put pressure on the youths to succeed by making needless comparison and then the open discrimination against young men and women who are working hard to survive. When the young ones bow to pressure and soil their hands, same society will attribute their Instant success to God
Some Parents and relatives tend to push their young girls to mingle with the “big boys” in order to bring something home. Some are not interested in the young men’s love for their daughters but their money. Some young men did not marry the girls they love because they were of modest means and this makes some of them vow to make money by all means
The way society celebrates flamboyant youths also adds fuel to the fire. When some of them go to pubs, they buy drinks and are celebrated with special songs, that sends a message. When someone suddenly becomes rich–a boy who should be in school, some members of the society bow to them
Religious organisations quickly raise the young man to prominence after promising to donate towards a project and he is given a title and a special place in the organization
Parents sometimes pressure their children to become wealthy and care for them, while some openly tell their children to go and get money
When the society stops praising people with instant wealth and families begin to ask questions, or even expose people who commit these crimes, the community would be better for it