Some people may wonder if it is really possible to make money online and how to make $1000. That answer is yes. There are many earning avenues online and some online marketers and freelancers agree. Here are some of their opinions
The easiest path to go from zero to $1000 a month online is:
STEP 1: Learn a skill that is in demand by entrepreneurs. The skill should be something you can learn fast.
E.g. Creating webpages, vsls, using clickfunnels, email copywriting etc
You can use Youtube for this.
STEP 2: Find clients who need the skill.
Apart from using overloaded freelance sites like Fiverr, upwork and the rest, you can easily find clients on places like Twitter & Facebook.
That is how @HQawiyy started as a 16 year old.
Yup! 15 years old, took it serious at 16! It’s even easier these days for folks to get paid
You can literally become someone’s virtual assistant
Learn how to use even just Zapier, Google Drive and calendly for automation and people will pay you $500-$1K month for it.
Freelance sites are small ponds when it comes to client acquisition
If you are charging $2000/project there’s no guarantee that they’ll send such Jobs your way
However LinkedIn, Facebook, cold mailing are the big ponds
Lots of big fishes to catch
Plus it’s within your control
Walter Enyinnaya
It’s very easy for anyone now to make good money from the comfort of their home.
YouTube is your friend, google’s your friend.
Take your time and learn a high income skill that will turn you into a “live breathing cash machine”